Abandon Yahweh the evil demonic false god of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, my homosexual friends.

Even if one disapproved of homosexuality, dislike homosexuality and/or disagree with the "Gay not choice" slogan due to various reason. A good person knows to respect and tolerate other people for their difference, as long as does not cause harm to others.
An evil person do not know to respect and tolerate other people for their difference and sometime even endorse serious violation that cause harm to others.
And if Obama truly is the Anti Christ and Champion of Satan, then Satan must be the real god, who send the Anti Christ to protect us, against the evil demonic false god, of Christianity, Judaism and Islam
Production of the Yahweh Cult to the western world
1. 1000 years of dark ages
2. 100 years of black plague
3. People on average only live to 35 during middle ages
4. Osama Bin Ladin
5. September Eleven
6. Taliban & ISIS
7. Inquisition & Crusades
8. Mass murder of Jews
9. Palestine and Israel conflict
10. Catholic Church Home for Unwed Mother, throwing women into private prison run by the church in Ireland for been unwed mother for life (Even if she was raped) and confiscate their babies, sometime just letting the baby starve to death and bury them in unmarked mass graves. (And this is rather modern, happening in the mid 20th century.)
Life without Christ
1. Roman & Greek Civilization
2. Democracy
3. Age of Enlightenment
4. China was the most powerful country in the world for 2000 years till 19th century. (And now despite still been under Communist control, is the second largest economy in the world and has a much feared military)
5. Human Right & Civil Right